But if such a tract were exposed to steady hunting throughout the season, the wild birds would soon be virtually eliminated.
The greatest problem is that we simply do not know what we may be exposed to throughout our lives!
He was frequently exposed to slaves throughout his childhood and sympathized with their condition.
The local bedrock is exposed throughout much of the preserve.
Of 1,140 students exposed to the program in six schools throughout the state, 89 percent said the program should be brought to other students.
The ranking also weights significantly the extent to which students are exposed to these topics throughout their studies.
Much of the timber framing is exposed throughout the house.
Children aged 4 to 11 years are exposed to this language throughout the day, from the age of 4 onwards.
Wilkinson had recklessly exposed himself to British fire throughout the action, though to little purpose.
Many teens are exposed to these and other substances throughout their teen years.