Only his lips were exposed between similar slits.
Another service, Selectnet, also started in 1990, allows orders to be exposed between the best bid and the ask to all market makers in a security.
He stared at the section of the ladder rung exposed between his clenched hands.
The heated battle over how to use projected Federal budget surpluses has exposed deep rifts between the two parties, both in political and economic terms.
The level house grounds gave way to a rough margin of bush and twisted wild grasses, their nodding brown tips exposed between the drifts.
The armor could be exposed or hidden between a layer of cloth.
Exposed between the treeline and the big white rotunda, standing there in the pouring rain.
The damage is most likely for those who were exposed between the 8th and 15th weeks of pregnancy.
Turkey should also recognise the genocide to which the Armenian people was exposed between 1915 and 1918.
Some seemed to laugh, others to cry, their black tongues exposed between toothless jaws.