But American diplomats said they felt that it was cruel to expose women and children to the grueling trip in more than 110-degree heat.
What we did was that for two months, we exposed nonlactating women to this breast-feeding compound, which is found naturally in nursing mothers and infants.
And thru Homestays, expose women in the village to people and cultures they would normally not have as much contact with.
Fujianese families have decided that those routes expose women and children to fewer dangers.
That would expose women and doctors to criminal penalties for exercising what is now their right.
Mr. Ross and his shipmates also questioned the wisdom of exposing women to situations in which "there are blood and guts all over the place."
Women are barred from about 30 percent of active-duty positions, and there's still a deep emotional resistance to exposing American women to deadly violence.
They continued, "The so-called 'protocols' endorsed and promulgated throughout the book may expose women to serious health dangers."
Suhren would later state that he had witnessed experiments that included exposing women to high levels of x rays in order to accomplish sterilisation.
Yet the experience is the same: an ineffective drug exposing pregnant women to needless risk and sometimes even death.