Again, not something that you would ever really want to expose users to, but there it is.
Google's Eric Chu said the goal of this change was to expose users to as many applications as possible.
Some claim they potentially expose users to sexual predators.
This may expose users with insecure systems to attacks.
It may also expose users to the risk of being sued, if they are distributing files without permission from the copyright holder(s).
Interest rate swaps expose users to interest rate risk and credit risk.
Such undetected bugs may also silently expose users and systems to security hazards.
They also stated that it interfered with the right to procreate, and could expose users to various health problems.
The popularity of Furl exposed users to performance problems which began in the latter half of 2006 and persisted into 2007.
Our general principle is to avoid exposing users to such content accidentally, but not to censor it unduly.