The baseball referendum, like a public works bond issue that failed decisively last year, has exposed tensions here over the desired rate of growth.
But the fracas that erupted over New Community's $2.3 million overdue water bill exposed deep tensions.
But not all neighborhoods are eager for multiplexes, particularly since movie theaters can dissolve the unseen boundaries separating neighborhoods and expose underlying tensions.
But the fracas that erupted over New Community's overdue $2.3 million water bill this week has exposed deep tensions between the two forces.
The interpersonal rivalries, fascinating in their own right, expose important tensions within the movement.
Work with travellers exposes tensions between these developments.
The group was formed over the summer as the Taliban insurgency grew and riots in Kabul exposed growing tensions in society.
It has exposed tensions between the liberal and centrist wings of the party, as well as between blacks and Jews.
The affair exposed civil and religious tensions between the Christian and Muslim regions of Nigeria.
By seeking redress through litigation, the dispute has publicly exposed growing tensions within a tightknit community.