Another issue that arises is exposing patients to unnecessary risk.
To combat winter doldrums, a growing number of psychiatrists have begun exposing patients to bright fluorescent lights.
Scientific studies have shown that exposing patients to nature can produce significant alleviation of pain.
For example, the study said, doctors sometimes decline to order recommended tests that they believe will expose patients to unjustifiable risks.
And needlessly exposing patients to risky procedures can hardly be considered better care.
One technique used in behavior therapy consists of exposing patients to the object of their fears.
It exposes patients to less radiation than do comparable chest x-ray studies.
An increased risk of bleeding should be borne in mind when exposing patients to inhaled NO.
But the technology does expose patients to higher doses of radiation than most other radiological exams.
The seasonal research project is aimed at using "light therapy" to treat depression by exposing patients to bright light.