The two Brighton Beach stations remained open during the removal, exposing passengers to asbestos, the report said.
The Transrapid system does not expose passengers to high fields.
Even if the liquid acid component could be isolated, or put into a gel, accidents would still raise the possibility of exposing passengers or rescue workers to high voltage.
In a letter to the safety administration, G.M. said the defect could expose passengers "to more risk of abdominal and internal organ injury."
In one Army unit, they were laying sandbags into their Humvees to reinforce the flimsy canvas doors that expose passengers to hostile fire.
In 2007, Christopher Soghoian, a blogger and security researcher, said that a TSA website was collecting private passenger information in an unsecured manner, exposing passengers to identity theft.
A recent investigation by the BMA reveals substantial evidence that smoking in vehicles exposes passengers to 23 times more toxins than a smoke-filled pub.
Captain Ellis, the Cunard official, said this procedure can be unpleasant in the windy Caribbean because ships typically anchor into the wind, exposing passengers to its full brunt.
Space weather phenomena can cause damaging surges in long electrical transmissions lines and expose passengers and crew of aircraft travel to radiation, especially on polar routes.
Its design was influenced by the Northeast Corridor electrification that allowed trains to pass beneath the station without exposing passengers to soot as steam engines of earlier times had.