The new structure exposes participants to insights on business structure in Europe, Latin America, Asia and North America; hence, providing participants with a global business exposure.
Clontarf combines mentoring with a broad range of extra-curricular activities to expose participants to a wide range of life experiences which challenge and develop them.
The goals were to expose participants to teamwork and health consciousness while supporting day-to-day organizational functions.
By exposing participants to the complex issues and opportunities arising from an increasingly interdependent global economy, the program aims to expand perspectives and enhance skills critical for leadership in a changing world.
This quantitative method regularly involves exposing participants to various media content and recording their reactions.
For example, Nelson, Clawson, and Oxley exposed participants to a news story that presented the Ku Klux Klan's plan to hold a rally.
The testing procedure was the same and despite exposing participants with the new meanings, their preferences in characters remained the same.
"This goes much deeper, exposing participants to their own fears, doubts, concerns, hopes and values in a way that a book or a seminar doesn't."
The courses also expose participants to social media technologies on the Internet.
The researchers were able to attenuate focalism by exposing participants to detailed and mundane descriptions of each person's life.