Still, the trade issue hit home, cruelly exposing Senator Dole's lack of any organizing vision for his campaign or the nation.
To my ear, the role exposes her voice's lack of sheer heft.
The loss exposed the Yankees' lack of depth in the rotation and the bullpen, areas they want to address through trades.
They're determined to expose your pitiful lack of knowledge at the most awkward moments.
You shouldn't expose your lack of curves to the world.
Instead, it has painfully exposed their lack of self-sufficiency.
Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content.
Cameron's cynical U-turn exposed his lack of a credible policy offer.
Such glib remarks exposed his lack of appreciation for hard-pressed colleges and students.
He is averaging 20.4 points and 6.4 assists in the five games, dispelling any concerns that the playoffs' glare would expose his lack of experience.