Hunter, now short of ammunition, abandoned the field for the ammunition train, exposing Jackman's flank.
The civil war was causing instability and it exposed Pompey's unprotected flank.
With little cover and the river fencing them in they would expose their flank to us at two thousand yards.
It was coming about to meet the new threat, but instead wound up exposing its flank to the Enterprise.
Then one found me, exposing my flank.
That would expose Soar's flank to the stone torrent; make her a bigger target.
He headed straight for one of them, exposing his starboard flank to the other.
When he did spring forward, she was ready for him and ducked to her right, his move exposing his left flank.
During this attack, one French column exposed its flank to the Highlanders and was almost instantly routed.
He was forced to wait until the beast backed and turned broadside to him, at last exposing its flank.