Hollinrede did not believe in exposing millions of credits' worth of merchandize to anyone who cared to lop off his hand.
And exposing millions of minds to fictional killing night after night might help create a climate in which violence is more likely to occur.
Large areas have been ruined by nuclear testing, which exposed millions of people to radiation.
The bill includes the committee's own definition of what a wetland is - a political contrivance so narrow that it would expose millions of acres to exploitation.
"Do you mean to say you deliberately exposed millions of your citizens to a horrible death-in order to test the value of various Earth attitudes and procedures?"
Critics fear that a mishap during the launching could expose millions to the deadly element.
The exploitable vulnerability exposed millions of accounts to tampering between August 7, 2001 and August 31, 2001.
If the agency does its job poorly, it can expose millions of Americans to unsafe or ineffective medical products and jeopardize our food.
Their behavior, he said, had exposed millions of rank-and-file Communists to the threat of anti-Communist hysteria.
What Beria was a party to could expose millions to a horrible death.