Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing individuals to a stimuli they find disturbing or fear inducing until it no longer provokes an emotional response.
The second regulatory arm of Proposition 65 prohibits businesses from knowingly exposing individuals to listed substances without providing a clear and reasonable warning.
This occurs because poor employment conditions exposes individuals to health hazards, which are more likely for low-status jobs.
Poor stewardship of personal data by organizations, resulting in unauthorized access to sensitive data, can expose individuals to the risk of identity theft.
Vaccination also is recommended for anyone who might expose such high-risk individuals to the flu.
However, for various reasons one may not want to expose individuals with name and professions, out of concern for them.
A Lazarillo or picaro character is an alienated outsider, whose ability to expose and ridicule individuals compromised with society gives him a revolutionary stance.
We can but expose individuals to those thoughts.
Chronic diseases are threatening this progress and exposing individuals and their families and communities to stresses.
Research participants must agree to being videotaped or observed, and that information is used to draw general conclusions, not to expose individuals to public scrutiny.