I kept expecting Huphu to dash off and tear away a curtain, exposing a little man in an emerald carnival suit.
The laughter in his eyes vanished, exposing for a moment a man who was endearingly bewildered by his own emotional turmoil.
Together with Norman, an irrepressible septuagenarian, she exposes and thwarts a con man who preys on the unsuspecting residents.
The life of a country solicitor would hardly expose a man to a higher than usual risk of a coronary.
Just then, the door opened, exposing a wizened old man who blinked at the sunlight.
It is unlikely that a youngster like Adair would at once make a hideous scandal by exposing a well known man so much older than himself.
Pāndurangāshram believed that foreign visits would expose a man to temptations of other cultures which would blatantly oppose Dharma.
The overdose exposes a super strong man calling himself Blockbuster.
Traveling with the General exposes a man to certain dangers.