Based on an intelligent risk management, the sensitivity of such export transactions should be analyzed case by case.
Working capital for export transactions.
In a local or domestic situation as well as in an export transaction, the risk increases when laws, customs communications and customer's reputation are not fully understood.
Become familiar with the various government programs designed to help your company finance its export transactions, and give it the capital to carry out its export operations.
However, you will often not know that an end-user, or other party to an export transaction, may be involved in a WMD programme.
In 2009, the CS helped in more than 12,000 export transactions in nearly 200 international markets worth billions of dollars.
Hermes cover can be granted when the export transactions are worthy of support and the risks appear tolerable.
This interactive tool will help you assess which method of payment may be best suited to each individual export transaction.
There are also restrictions that apply to certain denied parties, regardless of what would otherwise be an allowed export transaction.
The contest is open to U.S. small businesses that have successfully completed at least one export transaction.