During the war, heavy blockades were set up around port cities like Boston, and exports suffered heavily, making the war very unpopular to merchants in these cities.
Although there was no actual fighting in the island, communication, exports and imports - especially of food - suffered.
European exports have suffered.
Because of the embargo on produce other than oil, he said, "our exports have suffered, our industries are being closed, and our unemployment rate is going up.
If Japan's economic slowdown worsens as a result of spreading financial distress, American exports of everything from cotton to cigarettes to computers could suffer.
Our research shows that our exports are suffering.
Because of delayed reactions, some experts suggested, exports could still be suffering from earlier periods of dollar strength.
Even if you think that lobbyists for American industries have exaggerated the impact, there is no doubt that exports have suffered and that jobs have been lost.
Target countries would surely retaliate, and American exports would suffer.
"If the world economy slows," he added, "then Russian exports will suffer."