When the shark deflates, the "bark" is produced by the pressurized air as it is released explosively through the cardiac sphincter of the stomach.
Those at the front have an explosively released starboard side door for emergency escape, rear seat occupants leaving via canopy roof panels.
Perhaps two score succeeded in blasting down the defensive screens by sheer concentration of explosively released energy.
Later redesigned as a vehicle containing a sealed reservoir of G-Stone energy designed to be explosively released.
The real purpose of the mass sacrifice was to provide enough explosively released consciousness energy to make it possible to translate Bormann to the immortal energy plane.
After twenty-four years of paranoid discipline under the Ring Council, and then two more years under the dogs, tonight I would be explosively released from pressure.
Instead, the energy used to propel his limbs is now explosively released from his entire body, obliterating his form, from which he can recover.
The petals are under tension and hold loose pollen; when the flower is probed, the pollen is released explosively over the head of the visiting bird.
The anger, the frustration, the tension that had been so explosively released was now just as quickly quelled.
The spell-energy binding Kethry into Lastel's body was released explosively with the death-blow.