They provide the catalytic moment when, with the hint of power shifting from an officer to a citizen, routine encounters can escalate into explosive incidents.
Both sides utilized an explosive incident to settle the rivalry by full-scale war.
Anyone treading that dangerously close to creating an explosive international incident would be very interested in knowing exactly how the investigation was proceeding.
The unit was formed in 2002 as the Incident Response Regiment (IRR), they are deployed to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive incidents.
Set on a Marine Corps base during the 1970's, John Patrick Shanley's new play, his first since "Doubt," revolves around an explosive incident between an African-American marine and a white one.
Statistics Includes statistics relating to firearms manufactured and exported as well as reports of explosive and arson/fire incidents.
When news about the crisis reached Washington and London, officials from both nations were shocked and took action to calm the potentially explosive international incident.
Now, I have absolutely no opinion on what Mr Croy may have heard or misheard amidst the heat of an explosive incident, on an occasion so tense that a riot was a serious possibility.
Calling for a change of tone by the Mayor and the Police Department, Ms. Fields said city officials should create an atmosphere of respect after explosive incidents like the Diallo shooting.