During the spring and summer, an explosive cocktail of inner city deprivation, rising unemployment, racial tensions and resentment at police tactics reached boiling point.
It was an explosive cocktail and it took just one spark to bring on her illness.
Then, when chased into the laboratory, he makes an explosive cocktail and threatens the scientist with it, saying: "One more step and I'll blow ya up!
White Noise follows a top-selling music producer who stirs up an explosive cocktail of shock and spin with a touch of controversy to package talented artists into blockbuster stars.
In radical Islam we find both phenomena today, authentic faith and antimodern fanaticism, shaken together into an explosive cocktail.
It was an explosive cocktail.
Common household items such as acetone, saltpetre and hydrogen peroxide can - when mixed with other substances - be used to create an explosive cocktail.
"That made for an explosive cocktail."
Female poverty, single parenthood and social isolation therefore create an explosive cocktail that endangers women's health, a state of affairs that is quite simply intolerable.