Let private explorers, modern Vikings inspired by the Norsemen's third desire, seek wealth on Mars.
The early explorers originally sought the valuable timber of the Australian Red Cedar.
Slipping something dark and heavy over his right hand, Senjin followed the voice, determined to discov-er its source, as an explorer seeks the headwaters of a winding river.
The 16th-century French explorers - the first Europeans to chart the domain of the Iroquois and Huron - sought a route to the Orient.
For several decades, determined explorers sought the mythical land of Terra Australis and the elusive and essentially unnavigable Northwest Passage.
An explorer seeks the hitches, because hitches are the fissures and chasms that help us leap forward.
Spanish explorers sought gold in this valley, as did settlers who were seeking their fortune in the Georgia Gold Rush.
A failed geologist is the antihero of this small sculptural saga; an explorer of desert land who seeks to leave his imprint on it.
In the era of polar exploration which followed his return, explorers routinely sought Nansen's advice as to methods and equipment-although sometimes they chose not to follow it, usually to their cost.
Its early explorers sought inspiration from European as well as African and Far Eastern sources; its audience base stretches across borders, as does its economic infrastructure.