Other Spanish explorers sailed along the coast of Northern California for the next 150 years, but no settlements were established.
The explorers subsequently abandon the southern camp and sail back to Straumsfjord, killing five natives they encounter on the way, lying asleep in hide sacks.
Not wishing to engage the natives in combat after the battering of the storm, the explorers lifted anchors and sailed away.
During the Age of Discovery which began in the early 15th century, European explorers sailed all across the globe reaching all the major continents.
Spanish explorers sail around the Caribbean.
Spanish explorers sailed along the coast of present day California from the early 16th century to the mid-18th century, but no settlements were established over those centuries.
Several early explorers sailed past the cape.
During the Age of Discovery, beginning in the late 1400s, European explorers sailed the oceans, eventually reaching all the major continents.
In spring of that year when news spread of explorers sailing on the James River, their weroance took a party and rushed there.
For centuries, European explorers sailed vast oceans to find new lands.