Previous Dutch explorers had referred to the continent as 'Australisch' and as "Hollandia Nova" (New Holland (Australia)).
French explorers actually referred to the Niagara River in print as 'Riviere aux Chevaux,' "River of Horses."Houghton, Frederick.
The early French explorers and traders referred to them as "folles avoines" (wild oats), referring to the wild rice which they cultivated and gathered as one of their staple foods.
Many explorers referred to the current Guadalupe as the San Ybón above its confluence with the Comal, and instead the Comal was called the Guadalupe.
In reference to the latter designation, the explorers refer to the indigenous hominids of this world as "Pekes."
French explorers actually referred to Buffalo Creek in print as Rivière aux Chevaux, "Horse River."
The famous Norwegian explorer and geographer Fridtjof Nansen referred to the Trans-Siberian Railway as a "technical wonder".
The first French explorers approaching the great inland sea by way of the Ottawa River and Lake Huron during the 17th century referred to their discovery as le lac superieur.
Early explorers referred to the penguin young as "the woolly penguin," fancying them to be an entirely different species.
The Otomi villages all have nearly unpronounceable names- like the largest of them all, N't Tahi, the one your explorers of the northern regions now refer to as Zelalla.