Spanish explorers observed the sound in 1791 and named it Boca del Carmelo.
Spanish explorers, who discovered the islands in the 16th century, named them after the Spanish galápago, meaning tortoise.
Early explorers named it Squally Island, a name still found in some early records.
According to local tradition the early French explorers named the creek Papillion because many butterflies were found along its grassy banks.
In 1938 an explorer from Philadelphia named Joe Ryan came to the region prospecting gold.
These explorers named the area Saucelito ("little willows") after the vegetation spotted from shipboard.
In Australia, 19th-century explorers named a number of islands "Goose Island" due to the species' presence there.
The explorers then named the mountain "Magazine".
Between 1770 and 1853 many explorers mapped out the inner regions of the coast and named the landforms.
The Spanish explorers named Argentina for the valuable silver they were seeking there.