Early Spanish explorers also gave the name Orejones or big-eared to several Amazon tribes.
Once there, she met and married William Popenoe, the agricultural explorer and later gave birth to their five children.
Spanish explorers arriving on the Gulf Coast of Mexico in the early 16th century gave vanilla its current name.
I've just remembered a piece of advice that an old explorer gave to one of his colleagues.
This naturalist and explorer gave the first scientific account of mimicry in animals.
Other French explorers returned in 1744 to survey the area and gave the river its name.
The explorer looked down at him with a grin and gave him a very Terran thumb's up.
Such explorers gave French names to many places in present-day Minnesota and Wisconsin.
An early explorer has given his impression of that world: "It was as though I were walking under water," he wrote.
Before 1843 explorers give no reference to this subdivision.