We also began to explore best practice as a vehicle for improving the way we operated across the board.
This strand of work aims to explore, develop and disseminate good practice, supporting and learning from the children and workforce in these settings.
Group Analysis aims to explore the theory, practice and experience of analytical group dynamics.
The program explores both Classical and Contemporary performance theory and practice, including work in musical theater.
Anarchy in Action is a book exploring anarchist thought and practice, written by Colin Ward and first published in 1973.
Stone Expressions, a forthcoming collection of text and photographs exploring the history and practice of stone work from its origins to the present day.
"It's Your Turn" was a 6-day event destined at European youth leaders and aimed at exploring good practice in youth-led community improvement project management.
It explores the concept and practice of speciesism, the assignment of value to beings on the basis of species membership.
Exploring post-development theory and practice, problem and perspectives.
But I'll explore, practice.