Player Hating explores the connections of poverty, alienation, gangs, and violence in the lives of young "thugs."
Every week, Heart and Soul explores the role of faith, spirituality, and religious practice in the lives of people around the world.
Many themes are explored in the lives of his family, particularly luxurious frivolity (especially in the 1920s) and dipsomania.
It explores the role of religion in the lives of Others.
To explore the role of fine needlework in the lives of American women, the Wilton Historical Society has mounted an exhibition entitled "Stitches Through Time: Women and Their Embroidery."
The book explores 60 years in the lives of a small group of Chippewa (aka Ojibwa or Anishinaabe) living on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in North Dakota.
For three days, nearly 250 people are expected to explore the role of needlework in the lives of women during the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries.
Thus, they aim to explore the line between private and public in the lives of individual members of community and society, while realizing the interrelation and interdependence of these two spheres.
Cultural conflicts are a more difficult area to explore in the lives of Franco-Algerian women.
In the documentary Good Hair, Chris Rock, an American comedian, explores the role of hair in the lives of African Americans.