As with the earlier program, you mosey around the screen with the keyboard or, preferably, mouse around the screen, exploring for information, making unexpected connections, seeing pictures and hearing sounds.
Remembering an interesting spell she had once witnessed, in which a mage interposed a disembodied magical hand between himself and an attacker, Midnight explored her mind for information about that spell.
In its January 7, 2009 edition, the Wall Street Journal mentioned Tox Town as a Web site worth exploring for "consumer-friendly information on toxic chemicals and environmental-health risks."
Explore our newly expanded FDA Center on WebMD for timely information on food safety, allergies, diabetes, vitamins & supplements, and more!
Melody swam about, getting the feel of her new body as she explored the host and hostage minds for information.
This year, as we commemorate the bicentennial of this daring journey, I invite you to explore my Web site for additional information on the many adventures of the Corps of Discovery.
Researchers in the areas of human-computer interaction and cognitive science focus on how people explore for information when interacting with the WWW.
Meanwhile, Ratchet and Qwark explore the Breegus System for information on Clank and Nefarious.
After six years of studying rival ideas for an international deep-space mission, the European Space Agency has decided to explore Saturn's moon Titan for information on the origin of life.