A rueful journey into the bruised familial bonds of an aristocratic household in Central Kerala, the film explores desire and loss.
Brown's work is primarily engaged in exploring desire as an individuated experience that connects the personal to the collective unconscious, often mediated through advertising and commercial culture.
As Mellor explains, Shelley uses the Gothic style not only to explore repressed female sexual desire but also as way to "censor her own speech in Frankenstein".
Her writing explored female sexual desire, making it controversial in some quarters of post-Civil War American society.
He restlessly encircles his subject, studying what it means to be "at another's mercy," exploring desire, obsession, ambivalence and heartbreak.
She has to explore her need and desire for power first.
In "Wet Road," Kate Weare wanted to explore sexual desire from a female perspective.
The group moved for 'an anti-urban regionalism' and also explored individual desire which according to Zhang had been suppressed by collectivist rationalization.
Of course, conflict is inevitable in a novel set in Scotland and Sudan that explores desire in the context of profound religious devotion.
Certainly, she and Ronan had explored desire in a place very similar.