By the late 1930s, however, these reserves were diminishing, and exploratory investigation began of two underlying seams, the Dunsil and 1st Waterloo.
First, it is important to have strong theoretical support for the exploratory investigation of a potential mediating variable.
Considerable exploratory investigations are required.
An exploratory investigation of deception in close relationships.
An exploratory investigation of relational deception.
These were the first stage of his prolific Chronicles, which appeared fortnightly from 1953 to 1979, interrupted only to accommodate his exploratory investigations across the globe.
The DC-8/F-18 flight was an exploratory investigation of large aircraft vortex-induced performance benefits on a fighter-type aircraft.
An exploratory investigation of some unintended consequences of abolishing the ban on brothels in Twente
In 1889-91 with Georges Foucart (1865-1943), he participated in the "Catat mission" in Madagascar, an exploratory investigation of the island's resources.
Early adolescents' aspirations and academic tracking: An exploratory investigation.