After this discovery, the mineral potential was confirmed and the exploitation begun.
Commercial exploitation of the minerals began in the late 70s and early 80s with the mineral being exported worldwide.
In 1985 the rudimentary exploitation of coal began but with little results due to inexperience.
Anyway, the exploitation of the mine began in 1672, but it was never profitable and was abandoned in 1702.
Commercial exploitation began in 1872, and by the beginning of the 20th century the Baku oil fields were the largest in the world.
And it's ever harder to tell quite where explanation ends and exploitation begins.
The gas field was discovered in the late 1952 and the commercial exploitation of the field began in 1955.
The exploitation of oil and gas fields began in 1940.
In 1580 it became a part of the town of Myslava, and during this period the exploitation of local wood began.
The exploitation of marble began on site in the 2nd century and was operated by the Roman emperors.