Headlights exploded past the trees and three jeeps, each carrying four men, burst into the open.
They were turned to wisps of incandescent gas, exploding past the normal limits of Earth's air.
Able to shift into high gear and explode past any horses in front of him, Arazi would run away with an easy victory.
It was the wrong thing to say; Chilaili knew it the instant the words exploded past her beak.
A thin layer of clouds exploded past them.
It exploded past her, blowing her hair straight up and to the side.
In the final 200 yards, Assault exploded past the leaders to win the Belmont by three lengths.
It exploded past the ship, and minutes later, raced past the kite.
"He's so hard to guard because he can shoot it, or he can explode right past you," Gillispie said.
He lulls defenders to sleep with a slow dribble, then explodes past them when he sees an opening.