Holland condemned the action as "industrial anarchy", and explicitly sought a mandate to deal with the lockout in the 1951 elections.
Official campaign committees, like Mrs. Clinton's, can spend money on advertisements that explicitly seek votes.
Innovation and engagement funds explicitly seek community engagement in project proposals.
One provision in its constitution explicitly sought to limit the entry of "green hands" into the trade.
Washington did not explicitly seek the office of commander and said that he was not equal to it, but there was no serious competition.
He did not explicitly seek revocation of the doctor's medical license.
By limiting supply, the Act explicitly sought to raise prices and reestablish the relative purchasing power of farmers that had prevailed from 1909 to 1914.
Attitude questions explicitly sought statements of choice, preference, approval, or disapproval.
This prosperity was achieved despite severe restrictions placed on the city's economy by central government, which explicitly sought to limit Birmingham's growth.