It would also explicitly guarantee a right to use a gun to defend one's home, an innovation critics fear would gut state and local gun-control laws.
It amended its Constitution in March to explicitly guarantee human rights protections for the first time.
The second clause of Article 43 reiterates this by explicitly guaranteeing the freedom of worship and the protection of places of worship.
Unlike most other states, California has no provision in its state constitution that explicitly guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms.
The First Amendment explicitly guarantees the fundamental right of religious freedom and liberty to practice any faith as according to one's choice.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel announces that Germany will explicitly guarantee the deposits in banks held by its citizens.
Leaders of countries under sanctions, like Libya and Iraq, are not barred from coming to New York to speak their pieces because the 1947 agreement between Washington and the organization explicitly guarantees access.
It explicitly guarantees full autonomy in such crucial areas as finance, economics, commerce, culture and communications.
Unlike proprietary software licenses, the GPL explicitly guarantees users the right to modify, repurpose, and redistribute software.
The 14th Amendment doesn't explicitly guarantee a right to privacy.