They did not explicitly advocate an authorization of military force, but made it clear they believed they needed a council commitment to back them up.
These so-called 527 groups are also barred under federal law from explicitly advocating the election or defeat of a candidate.
It is a classic "soft money" ad, in that it does not explicitly advocate voting for or against anyone.
For this reason, many polyamorists advocate explicitly deciding the ground rules of a relationship with all concerned.
The article will not explicitly advocate violence.
Although he did not explicitly advocate ending the monarchy, the party advocated restoring power to the people even if it meant a republican form of government.
By 1989 Manley had softened his socialist rhetoric, explicitly advocating a role for private enterprise.
Peace churches are Christian denominations explicitly advocating pacifism.
The pro-death language of those extremists who explicitly advocate or condone violence should not divert attention from the much larger reality of such groups' decline.
They can run television advertisements and conduct telephone campaigns as long as they do not explicitly advocate the election or defeat of a candidate.