(2) he gives an explicit winning strategy for the angel against the nice devil.
However, Máthé remarks that his proof could in principle be adapted to give such an explicit strategy.
We do so by giving an explicit strategy for the second player in the equivalent .
The guiding lexical principles have been defined as implicit and explicit strategies towards language acquisition.
Corporate budgets, whether for capital projects or operating expense, should directly support an explicit strategy.
Finding an explicit strategy has been the main subject of research since then.
Garang's explicit strategy was to render south Sudan ungovernable, and in that he succeeded.
The administration's explicit strategy for saving affirmative action is to rally women in its defense.
As a part of this it may look at explicit strategies for relating different elements together into a network so that they form an apparently coherent whole.
Each market may require its own explicit strategies and a separate marketing mix for each.