That explanation doesn't wash.
Such explanations might not have washed with the Ndelante; they already distrusted Wili.
Even if true, those explanations don't wash.
But it is not clear that his explanations will wash in Minnesota, where voters have shown a special disdain for career politicians.
Clark said this explanation "didn't wash"; he believed the legal issues did not necessarily bar him from a full term.
Irwin may be saintly now, but the fact remains that he walked out on his family 26 years earlier, and his feeble explanations don't wash.
Although posthumously read letters to each sister are produced to explain Lindsay's choice of the wrong one to bring up her children, her explanations don't wash.
His explanation didn't wash with Ms. McClain of American Salon.
But this is one time complicated explanations simply do not wash.
(The screenplay goes through elaborate contortions to try to explain why a wealthy heiress like Tracy would work as a policewoman, but the explanation doesn't wash.)