Below, an explanation of what each event requires.
The detailed studies are useful in helping to build up the data necessary for a wider picture, but a full explanation requires a broader view.
However, K1a1b1a has also been found in individuals of no known Jewish ancestry, and the explanation will require further research.
"I guess that requires some further explanation, right?"
At least there appear to be some answers in an era when most explanations require an independent counsel to expose them to public view.
Any explanation requires description, and it is difficult, or perhaps impossible, to describe something without at the same time explaining it.
This explanation will require further confirmatory research since confounders may be playing an unknown role.
But a definitive explanation of aging would require much more rigor.
Their explanation was simply that Scotch whisky is a rich industry and therefore does not require any subsidy.
What you are going to watch, the Eagle said, requires some explanation.