Where the orbs appear we have recorded sudden drops in temperature that cannot be scientifically explained.
Today, this event can be explained scientifically: Certain wind conditions induce waves at the natural frequency of the upper and lower lake.
Biologists say it can be explained scientifically, but have yet to provide any conclusive evidence.
Much of existence is a rare miracle that can't be explained scientifically.
While hearing is a biological process that can be scientifically explained, listening is a psychological phenomenon.
Finally, the knowledge becomes positive after being explained scientifically through observation, experiment, and comparison.
It was scientifically explained as electric fields which have diverged from the lines.
The newspaper reported that Rods have not been "physically and also not scientifically explained".
These questions deal with everyday phenomena that we often take for granted, but each can be explained scientifically.
This may not be explained scientifically, but I'm telling the truth.