A very small number of dinosaur fossils have been found above the K-T boundary, but they have been explained as 'reworked', that is, fossils that have been eroded from their original locations then preserved in later sedimentary layers.
Local Native Americans devised myths to explain fossils.
Geologists see no need to invoke a global flood to explain upright fossils.
Athanasius Kircher in his 1665 work Mundus subterraneus explained fossils as giant bones as those belonging to extinct races of giant humans.
Local Native Americans devised myths to explain local fossils, many containing themes paralleling modern scientific discoveries.
At 10:45 30th Jun 2011, pandatank wrote: @8 How does creationism or intelligent design explain fossils?
At 20:48 30th Jun 2011, Quartus45 wrote: Pandatank - "How does creationism or intelligent design explain fossils?
'So how do you explain fossils, then?'
The answer was again no, but Conway had to ask the help of Wainright to explain fossils to the Gogleskan.
Anyway, you don't have to explain fossils.