The program, which was set to expire in 10 months, was intended to revolutionize care for the mentally ill.
De Rossi is available for £5million as his contract expires in six months, but weekly wages of more than £200,000 are providing an obstacle.
He signed up again this year, but when his annual contract expires in 8 months, he plans to consider other options.
If the passport expires in less than six months, it's renewal time.
Its lease will expire in about 18 months.
Her contract expires in six months, and I happen to know - in strict confidence, you understand - it won't be renewed.
His contract expires in about 18 months, but there has been talk of his being replaced earlier.
These expire in six months even if not used up.
The notice expires in 12 months, but is easily renewed.
The bases were established by a 1953 agreement that has since been updated but expires in 14 months.