He wore a conservative blue suit, expertly cut to deemphasize his heavy frame.
Her hair was short and expertly cut; her makeup perfect.
Now her hair is expertly cut, and she's dressed with a distinctly urban sense of style.
We paused by the bed where her late husband had had his throat so expertly cut.
His spring clothes, however, as always expertly cut and spoofy, were far from spooky.
Ignoring the laughter, the soldier cut expertly at the stallion's legs.
On the disc Terl took some shears and cut expertly.
He also couldn't help but be amazed by her at the same time she was so expertly cutting him open.
It must be expertly cut at an angle to hang straight when open.
Slayer expertly cut the vehicle's speed and dropped it to within a hand's breadth of the ground.