Her expertise hardly extended beyond disrobing and spreading her legs.
Pronouncing her "a treasure," one man in the audience wanted to know whether her expertise extended to her native literary tradition as well.
However, his expertise extended beyond sculpture to ink drawings, watercolor painting, and printmaking (intaglio).
Elliot was one of a new type of mining engineer whose expertise extended to many parts of the industry.
That expertise soon extended to prisons, courthouses and nursing homes.
Her specialties and expertise extend to international terrorism, the United Nations, and American foreign policy.
Skif saw no reason why that expertise shouldn't extend to second-story work and the theft of jewelry.
"Well, Mr. Nicholas, it would appear that your expertise extends beyond the realm of party jokes."
His expertise extends across a broad range of industries and geographies.
Ruth's technical expertise didn't extend to metallurgy, and unlike Thandi, she was no Marine.