I had my pistol in what experts refer to as a "low-ready" position, with the barrel dipped just below the horizon.
Indeed, some experts refer to SAD as a form of hibernation.
Celebrate Recovery is what church-growth experts refer to as a side door.
Some experts refer to sitting as "the new smoking" because of its negative effects on overall health.
Medical experts have referred to Geier's claims as "junk science".
There is also one final challenge, which experts refer to as the Simon problem.
The odds of such an epidemic coming "onshore," as experts refer to an outbreak in the United States, is considered remote.
Other experts believe that sexual addiction is actually a form of obsessive compulsive disorder and refer to it as sexual compulsivity.
Some experts refer to the regular blows - hundreds a day - as the planet's heartbeat.
Did it want to correct what many experts we consulted had referred to as the serious mistake committed in the Kalanke case?