The film is among less known films of Ray but experts rated the film as one of Ray's best.
Using information from these questionnaires and interviews, experts rated the men's relationships with siblings during childhood and adolescence, and how well they were raised by each parent.
The expert then rates the impaired video using a scale ranging from "impairments are imperceptible" to "impairments are very annoying".
Although experts rated the works higher overall, each factor influenced the nonexperts' ratings more, creating greater flexibility in their ratings than those of the experts.
In this study, twenty experts (including astronauts) rated 47 relevant skills on criticality and another 42 environmental and work demands on their probability of occurrence.
Most experts rate them highly, giving a slight edge to the whites.
He said he was starting a review mechanism by which readers and experts could rate the value of various articles.
When the 1952 Republican National Convention opened in Chicago, most political experts rated Taft and Eisenhower as neck-and-neck in the delegate vote totals.
First, experts rated 97 seat/head restraint combinations available in 88 car models sold in the U.S.
Following the convention, most political experts in the news media rated the Republican ticket as an almost-certain winner over the Democrats.