Fiscal experts are now projecting a deficit of $4 billion to $6 billion for next year, with the larger number perhaps the likelier one.
These experts, from Syracuse University, also projected a conservative estimate of an additional $25 million in revenues above Mayor Koch's forecasts.
And they match the 10 million to 100 million that experts had projected as possible totals for the number of terrestrial species.
One expert, Rafael G. Quijano, a former Pemex executive, is even projecting a drop in oil reserves of as much as 40 percent.
The cuts outlined by Mr. Gorbachev are less far-reaching than some Western experts had projected.
Senate staff members said experts had projected that the bill would add about 1 percent to the cost of new construction to make wider doors to fit wheelchairs.
Kuwaiti and foreign experts project it will take two to five years to bring the economy back to its prewar status.
Japanese experts have projected a market of $20 billion to $34 billion before the end of the century in high-temperature superconductivity.
When their currencies were dramatically devalued, many experts projected that their exports to the United States would surge.
In our country, experts project the need for an additional 750,000 long-term care workers by 2008.