The experts envisioned all sorts of potential consequences.
Some experts envision private space ports and major economic benefits.
The similarity to Krakatoa, which lies between Sumatra and Java, helped experts better envision Thera's wrath.
Well before computers come along, however, experts envision a variety of other electronic parts, mainly for use by the military.
Whatever the improvements, few experts envision a complete solution.
When Japan first looked to plutonium as a commercial fuel two decades ago, experts envisioned it as an almost unlimited source of fuel for their energy-starved country.
Some experts envisioned the leaders taking a break of a couple of weeks before reconvening for a continued summit meeting.
Other experts, however, envisioned the transitional housing as a foundation on which to rebuild a fallen community.
Some experts envision a similar fate for the Medicare drug benefit that the Senate sent to President Bush's desk yesterday.
So experts are envisioning sensors precise enough to determine whether adversaries are sticking to its terms.