However, unlike the experimentally manipulated embryos, these embryos show no change in shh expression.
Interaction is tightly embedded in its unique circumstances, which cannot be experimentally manipulated or simplistically generalized.
This finding held true even when the depression was manipulated experimentally (see also: depressive realism)
This finding held true even when the depression was manipulated experimentally.
According to the study authors, the finding is significant because "no study has prospectively demonstrated personality change in healthy adults after an experimentally manipulated discrete event."
The rewarding stimulus in BSR experiments is typically a train of short-duration pulses separated by interval pulses, which can be manipulated experimentally using the independent variables of stimulation intensity, pulse duration, or pulse frequency.
However, when the tails were experimentally manipulated, comparing a shortened tail to the control, these males had equal success in acquiring territory with no difference in size or quality.
In some cases, economic variables cannot be experimentally manipulated as treatments randomly assigned to subjects.
This time can be manipulated experimentally to determine its effects on other dependent measures such as reaction time or brain activity.
Experimentally manipulated synchronous broods produced more aggressive chicks, while in asynchronous broods chicks were less violent.