An immediately immersive work from the experimental Polish composer.
The more experimental composers are still around, but there is also a groundswell of young people writing in a more pop vernacular.
He also took a class in orchestration from experimental composer, Alvin Lucier.
The classical percussion ensemble came into existence as a stand-alone musical establishment through the efforts of experimental composers during the early 20th century.
Crawford began her career as an experimental composer, but the label only truly applies to her early works.
Ockeghem was a particularly experimental composer, writing probably the first example of a mass organized entirely by canon: the Missa prolationum.
If the choreographer has been able to attract prominent experimental composers and visual artists, it is because their contributions are used with integrity.
The series was curated by experimental composer and performer Arto Lindsay.
He then spent eight years working with Meredith Monk, the experimental composer and choreographer.
And, he said: "I started out being an experimental composer, but now I'm very much a populist composer.