This experiment utilized the 330 MeV synchrotron and the newly-invented scintillation counters.
An experiment performed in Massachusetts utilized 20 patients with various sensors attached to their arms.
In experiments utilizing the single gene mutant of HIV-1, total RNA was extract from infected podocytes 14 days after switching confluent cultures to 37 C. All experiments were performed twice.
This experiment utilized fuel plates that were purposely full of defects in order to explore long-term plant operation with damaged fuel plates.
Between two experiments, the modality of the cue was also varied; the first experiment contained auditory cues as to which element (feature or spatial) of the stimuli to respond to, while the second experiment utilized visual cues.
These experiments utilized a tandem OLED within an interferometric configuration.
The experiments utilize the so-called two-photon reactions at electron-positron colliders , where includes all hadrons of the final state.
These experiments, which took eight years, utilized some of the first pluripotent stem cell cultures ever made.
This "educational experiment" utilised the power of the childhood group like Summerhill School.
In preliminary experiments utilizing primary rat neurons, we have also observed an upregulation of GADD153 after mefloquine treatment (unpublished data).