Although use will be made of the concepts discussed above, the experiment reported below does not in any way test various theories of plural reference resolution.
In 2007 an experiment at GSI Darmstadt reported observing decay oscillations in the electron capture rates of highly ionized heavy atoms.
An experiment reported by Pearce et al.
Several experiments reported the existence of pentaquark states in the mid-2000s, but later experiments and re-analysis of the data showed them to be statistical effects rather than true resonances.
"If the experiment were formally reported, written up in a publication, and no mention was made of that fact, then that would be fraud," she said.
In 1917, (in experiments reported in 1919) Rutherford proved that the hydrogen nucleus is present in other nuclei, a result usually described as the discovery of the proton.
Two experiments, now almost ten years old, reported results in agreement with the inequality.
In the report, the panel found that "the experiments reported to date do not present convincing evidence that useful sources of energy will result from the phenomena attributed to cold fusion."
Despite the wealth of data available for many insects, relatively few experiments report the time variation of α during a stroke.
An experiment on the Viking Mars lander reported gas emissions from heated Martian soil that some argue are consistent with the presence of microbes.