Meanwhile, American scientists have been experimenting with other renewable energy, including solar power.
Maurice Sand also experimented in various other subjects, including painting, geology, and biology.
They experimented with various sound effects, including singing through a vocoder, and did 30 to 40 takes for each line.
The station also experimented successfully in many forms of news broadcasting, including weather and crop reports.
Some manufacturers have been experimenting with alternative power sources, including solar cells.
Intelligence officials say the group is experimenting with chemical weapons, including nerve gas, at one of its camps.
Researchers are experimenting with a variety of new materials beyond silicon, including organic molecules and carbon nanotubes.
Also during this time he experimented with a variety of other photographic techniques, including solarization and collages.
Khan experimented with a variety of looks, including long unkempt hair and a stubble.
Although he experimented with new materials, including stainless steel, for him clay, wood and stone remained elemental, even sacred.